After Ben Carson released his rap ad, he basically set himself up for endless jokes. Twitter is hilarious and has no chill. Check out the hilarity below.
This morning it was revealed that Ben Carson released a rap ad catered to black youth for the purpose of voting. Whoever on his team that signed off on this, sh...
His new $150,000 radio ad buy, called “Freedom,” will air for two weeks in Miami, Atlanta, Houston, Detroit, Birmingham, Alabama, Jackson, Mississippi, Memp...
Excerpt from Jezebel, written by Hillary Crosley Coker.
The trial of Daniel Holtzclaw, the former Oklahoma City police officer charged with sexually assaulti...
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders introduced a bill Wednesday that would end the federal prohibition on marijuana, an issue that has boosted his bid for the Democrati...
An active shooter has pinned down police with gunfire outside a San Diego, California apartment building. SWAT team on the scene. There may be a “couple of bo...
The misandristic intersectional, BLM gender fluid Black Woman (with her sidekick the misandristic Black Male Feminist) & the Wannabe pundit Negro. Everything I ...
SALT LAKE CITY -- A fight outside a Salt Lake City hotel early Sunday morning could possibly be investigated as a hate crime, authorities said Monday.
Cell p...
Hopefully, Houston residents don't have Twitter, because the LGBTQ SJW will be out TODAY! Check out the #HERO Hastag on Twitter. Houston residents say NO to LGB...