Mizzou White Students Asked to Leave “Black-Only Healing Space”

This Mizzou situation keeps getting messier as the week progresses. But, you know what? At least these Mizzou students are smart enough to NOT include whites in their “healing space”. Whites need to support from the outside looking in and wait for orders, if they want to “help”.

Daily Caller reports:

In an ironic development, to say the least, protesters at the University of Missouri (MU) segregated themselves by race Wednesday night, having white students leave a gathering in order to create a “black-only healing space.”

Supporters of the group Concerned Students 1950, which has spearheaded the protest movement at MU, assembled at the school’s student center Wednesday night for a meeting after a planned protest march was canceled due to bad weather. And then, according to activist Steve Schmidt, whites were asked to leave.

#ConceredStudent1950 is dividing into seven groups,They're asking white allies to leave #ConcernedStudent1950 pic.twitter.com/dmIQMSx6Jy

— Steve Schmidt (@_SteveSchmidt_) November 12, 2015

Black only healing space for the students to share, decompress, be vulnerable & real. #ConcernedStudent1950 pic.twitter.com/TGr2b8UBhg

— Johnetta Elzie (@Nettaaaaaaaa) November 12, 2015